Thursday, February 10, 2011


Grasping, pulling, striving,
Fingertips near brushing,
Lost again.
Hoping, straining, tugging,
Truth in reach--
But only for the knowing.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Adjusting to Life

If you haven't noticed, I have not posted much recently. Last summer I was working in an office full time and feeling drained every night. I didn't do anything or see anyone and I didn't feel like I had a life to write about.

And then there was school. This last semester was chaotic to say the least. I took 5 upper division courses. Being at a small school I end up in a lot of the same classes as my friends, we all agreed that it was the hardest semester we've ever had.

I also moved into and apartment with my previous roommate and two more friends. That has been an adjustment. The more difficult adjustment was balancing time between them and my serious boyfriend. Between classes, roommates, and my romantic relationship, I did not have much time left for talking about life and discoveries on my blog.

Which brings us to today. I have been enjoying reading and feeling a part of SarahThe's life and was reminded that I used to enjoy writing about my life and thoughts online. I think it is a good tangible way of seeing the progress that you have made.

So I will be doing that more. I will be aiming to post at least once a week, aiming for Tuesdays. Since life does what it wants to, it will probably vary.